Publish a book

Together, something mysterious is created that moves, that triggers things in people: a book is created and turns someone who has written something into someone who entertains, passes on knowledge and experience and moves something in people.

Submit a manuscript

The first step towards book publication: send us your manuscript. The review is free of charge!

If you life in Switzerland or Austria, send your manuscript to Austrian Literary Society or the Swiss Literary Society hoch.



    First name*



    Street and house number*



    Manuscript title*


    Your manuscript:

       Maximum file size 250MB.


    *This website uses reCAPTCHA to secure forms. The use of the reCAPTCHA system is subject to Google's privacy policy and terms of use.


    Information on free manuscript review:

    1. The minimum length should be enough for a book. Just one short story or two poems is clearly not enough. Why don't you put together a short story or poetry collection?
    2. You can send us the entire manuscript or a meaningful sample (stating the total length). An exposé is not absolutely necessary.
    3. Authors under the age of 18 need the consent of their parents - simply discuss this together before you send us your manuscript.
    4. Send your text as a file, not in the comment field.
    5. If you would like to protect your book title, we recommend a Title protection notice
    6. Would you just like to know if you have a talent for writing and should continue writing? Would you like a Expert opinion? Our proofreaders will be happy to prepare it, it takes about 14 days. We charge for our work:
      • Poetry & children's books = 129€
      • Texts up to 300,000 characters = 179€
      • Texts up to 600,000 characters = 249€
      • Texts up to 1 million characters = €299 (exposé/content statement required)

      Please indicate your request for a review when uploading your manuscript. The review for publication with us (without the preparation of an expert opinion) remains free of charge.

    7. Is your file smaller than 8MB? Are you having problems uploading? Just send it to us by e-mail: Don't forget your full address for the confirmation of receipt!
    8. You can of course also send it by post:
      German Literary Society
      Ludwigkirchstr. 8
      10719 Berlin

    This is how it continues

    We need about 14 days to get an idea of your project and make you a proposal for implementation. The review is free of charge and the offer is non-binding. We would like to publish selected projects and therefore cannot include every project. But that shouldn't put you off: simply send us your text and we will find the right solution for you. We also have solutions for projects that do not fit into our program.

    We treat your data confidentially at all times in accordance with the Data Protection Act. It is not absolutely necessary to back up the manuscript in advance. However, there are simple and proven ways to protect your ideas and manuscript: You can choose to deposit your manuscript with a notary or - the cost-effective option - send it to yourself in a registered letter (and don't open it!). This way you always have proof that you already had the relevant text on that date. You also have the option of registering the book title with a title protection register (in accordance with Section 5 (3) MarkenG). This can be done free of charge at

    Your book at the book fair

    Book fairs are an ideal opportunity to present your book
    to interested readers, the press and bloggers.
    As has been the case for decades, we are
    Book fairs Leipzig and Frankfurt/Main again!

    Next trade fair: Frankfurt/Main 2024

    Join us at the Frankfurt Book Fair from October 16-20, 2024! We will be presenting our new releases at our stand, holding technical discussions with rights dealers and press representatives and looking forward to meeting people at our stand. The Frankfurt Book Fair is still the most important industry gathering in the world of books - and an experience for participants and visitors alike. Send us your manuscript now!

    Frankfurter Buchmesse
    Buchmesse Leipzig

    Leipzig 2024

    Welcome to the Leipzig Book Fair from March 27 to 30, 2025!

    At the book fair in Leipzig, the focus is traditionally on the reader. Unlike the Frankfurt Book Fair, which is more of a trade fair and certainly the largest industry gathering in the world, Leipzig is all about direct contact with readers. In addition to a large number of national and international exhibitors, many young people and children can be seen at the book fair, who are inspired to read at an early age. The young people meet up dressed as mangas for their scene meeting - and there are an almost unbelievable number of readings in the surrounding area, in small cafés, in industrial halls and at historical sites.

    At the same time, the first book fair of the year is also an important source of inspiration for the coming book season thanks to the presentation of new publications by publishers.

    Finding the right publisher

    For all successful writers and authors today, their book career began with finding the right publisher. The joy that someone has confidence in their own work often leads to a long-lasting partnership between author and publisher. The publisher then also becomes a place of exchange and further development during the creative phases.

    The German Literary Society is a renowned book publisher that regularly accepts new authors into its publishing program. As a newcomer, you can therefore also submit your manuscript. Our professional and experienced publishing team accompanies authors from the very beginning and gives them valuable tips for their career as a writer.
    Many authors have experienced their manuscript being rejected by one or even several publishers. Perhaps you have too. But that's no reason to give up on your dream of writing your own book. There are many factors that influence the decision to publish a manuscript. Just as talents are discovered that remain undiscovered by others, it can also happen with a manuscript that its value only becomes apparent after some time. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it takes visionary imagination to recognize the potential of a work. Our book professionals have a trained eye and check all manuscripts that authors send to our publishing house very carefully.
    If you are interested in publishing your book with a publishing house that attaches great importance to personal support, then send your manuscript to the German Literary Society. You are welcome to use the online form above for this purpose. You can also print it out and send it to us by post with a covering letter for review. Your documents can also include an exposé with the definition of your topic and the outline of your manuscript - but this is not a must. You are free to choose the format. Please only ever send copies and not originals.
    As many authors submit their manuscripts to the German Literary Society every day, it will take about 14 days to review your manuscript. In any case, we will come back to you to discuss various options for publishing your book in our publishing house.