Insight into our book manufactory

Each work is unique and is looked after and maintained by us for years.
Personal support is very important to us.

With us, you will find a team that takes great pleasure in working on your book project every day with dedication and creativity. We listen to your ideas and contribute our know-how and structures. Our entire team loves your book and stands by your side as a partner.


Our editors never rewrite author's texts, but they do provide the basis: a clean text. With us, however, you get more than just a text correction: our editors read the book like a first reader. They provide feedback and advice when passages need fine-tuning.


Book typesetting used to be a profession in its own right. Our book typesetters understand the old craft and have been creating beautiful typographically and typeset books with great passion for decades.

Cover design

Creative graphic designers take great pleasure in realizing our authors' wishes for appealing book covers and advertising materials. They also take marketing aspects into account.


Our printers implement what our team has previously designed with great care and attention to detail. A craft with tradition in fast-moving times - and a presentable result that not only we are proud of.


A whole team of employees takes care of distribution. They ensure the connection to the bookseller systems, take care of directory maintenance so that your book is clearly visible and work hard to get your book to the reader quickly.

We create connections

Connection to the book trade

Our books are where your readers are. Whether on the Internet via the largest
and many small retailers or in your local bookshop. Our sales team will find your readers.


The connection to the book trade is the basic prerequisite for sales. We distribute our books like all major publishers. So that your work reaches its readers quickly or catches the eye when browsing. This is how we sell tens of thousands of books every year.


Small bookshops and large bookstore chains are supplied via intermediaries. The connection to the most important wholesalers guarantees the fastest possible delivery and is an important element of our delivery.

Online bookstore

Amazon is now the largest book seller in Germany, and the trend is rising in Switzerland and Austria. Our books are well-placed and easy to obtain - as well as in hundreds of other online bookshops.


Germany, Switzerland and Austria are our core markets. Our books are also delivered internationally and are easy to find and order. We also know no borders when it comes to book distribution.

So that your book reaches your readers

Advertising & Marketing

Marketing is our main task alongside the production of a beautifully crafted book. 

We have excellent press contacts, promote your book to booksellers and are also close to readers on social media. In this way, we have repeatedly succeeded in arousing the interest of the public and the media. Many television stations have reported on us and our authors, newspapers have printed reports and reviews and radio stations have conducted interviews. And our books have made their way onto the bestseller lists. With the Literaturgesellschaft, you have a strong partner at your side.

So that you can focus on what you do best: Writing your next book.