Fabelwaffeln auf Tafeln (Dähne)
Jean de la Fontaine
Do not sleep
Great apes in his fable
Silly in a new parabola of flight
The book presents old fabric from real tsarist
Russia, from its golden, classical poetry period of the
18th century, where French fashion and language at that time
was capitalized.
Here are famous La Fontaine fables in popular inter-
pretation by Ivan Krylov from St. Petersburg in German.
Also a proverbial saying from Russian literature
is amusing for German-speaking countries,
Russian-style proverbs.
Ei would like to mention something
Unfortunately cannot teach hens
It's super cute for one
For others pure weariness
Fabelwaffeln auf Tafeln, Larissa Dähne, paperback, 236 pages, 13€
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