Lisa is a very busy girl. She goes to school, plays the piano, attends the roller-skating club and is taking a jazz dance course, as well as helping out around the house. What free time is there for all the other nice things she would like to do? While tidying up in the attic, Lisa discovers a painted box with a small book inside; mysterious verses are written inside in squiggly handwriting.

When her grandmother helps her to decipher the strange letters, strange things suddenly happen: Lisa wakes up in a fantastic world that is completely alien to her, in which a cruel ruler robs her subjects of their life force by means of a time machine! Lisa meets the courageous boy Tom with his dog Tati and Tom's three siblings; they are all threatened by a dangerous, highly contagious time sickness.

Can Lisa ever find her way back home?


Lisa's adventures in Melandria, Viola de Galgóczy, hardcover, 465 pages, €19.95

1 review for Lisas Abenteuer in Melandrien (de Galgóczy)

  1. Amélie, 10 years old -

    I was deeply impressed by the way the wonderful Melandria was described.

    There are these fantastic pictures, the vivid collection of quotes and of course

    the characters in the story. My personal favorites are Wunderfitz and Tôka, Lindor

    and Flupp. The fascinating imagination in this book is also stunning.

    "Lisa's Adventures in Melandria" is a great pleasure to read with enormous potential for suspense.

    It is definitely one of my favorite books!

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