Heilendes Bewusstsein (Brucker)
Dr. Brucker was born in Tirschenreuth/Bavaria in 1957. After graduating from high school, he studied medicine. After his state examination, he specialized in psychiatry and neurology. He has been working in his own practice for 20 years.
Following his first two books "Life after death - what we can already know today" and "A look into heaven", he is now looking at consciousness. It is about the questions:
What heals?
What is our consciousness?
How can we explain miraculous healings?
Healing consciousness, changes through near-death experiences - infinite consciousness - What heals?, Dr. med. Erwin Brucker, hardcover, 206 pages, 19,80€
Finns -
I was allowed to accompany Dr. Brucker's 3rd book project and was very surprised how a topic that usually interests me less can suddenly be so exciting. This shows once again that you should always be open to new things and keep your curiosity.