7 reviews for Lachen Weinen Pflegen – ein Mutmachbuch

  1. Lilli Bekle -

    A truly moving and inspiring book that moved me to tears. My greatest respect!

  2. Sylvia Timm-Teuber -

    Thank you to the wonderful author and her family for taking us readers with you into your day-to-day care and life. This is encouraging and I am full of admiration. A long overdue book

  3. Sylvia Timm-Teuber -

    Thank you for this impressive account and my unreserved admiration for the author and the whole family

  4. Uschi -

    Although I don't generally read books, I got through it quickly in a few hours. Fortunately, my family is not affected by this topic, but because of the care of my mentally handicapped son, I recognized myself in many lines. While reading, I still had to smile a lot, was very thoughtful, frightened, angry about care homes and experts or health insurance companies, but the most important thing was how much love, strength, cohesion, joy and happiness this family still has. Above all, how fortunately her husband has a strong will to survive and where they both get their extreme strength from. I would just like to give them both a big hug and admire you very much. This is what everyday life looks like with not always such good times and it's nice that this has been written to give others an insight or to give them courage. Much strength and love to you and thank you.

  5. Alexander -

    Mrs. Bishop describes her life and love story with her husband and his ever-progressing illness (multiple sclerosis), right up to becoming a full care case, in a sympathetically and completely unpretentious manner and without gimmickry. The descriptions of everyday life and the problems with authorities, insurance companies etc. are also very impressive.
    Hats off to both of them for their bravery: To Mr. Bishop for apparently being able to maintain his positive attitude to life despite ever new complaints, and of course to Mrs. Bishop, who has managed and continues to manage to enable her husband to lead a dignified and, as far as possible, cheerful life after having children, building a house and working alongside an increasingly serious illness.
    It's a short book that I could have read in one go. However, I took some time after the first few pages to reflect on what was happening here. I think that after reading this book, most of the ailments that we probably all have at one time or another will mostly become "minor ailments".
    Luckily, the book doesn't hit the "tear ducts", but the (sometimes "gallows") humorous anecdotes make it great fun to read.
    The subtitle hits the nail on the head: An encouraging book.

  6. Daniela -

    No one knows how to deal with such a situation. How long is one hopeful, full of love, when does exhaustion come, the daily too much? It is an admirable example of love under the most difficult conditions, one wishes one had just as much strength and courage and joie de vivre.

  7. Sandra -

    Christine Bishop describes her life with her husband Frank in great detail and vividly. Despite all the adversity, she manages not to lose her sense of humor and her enjoyment of life. She conveys this both in real life and in the book. It was great fun to read.

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