2 reviews for Zumir, das Schaukelpferd (Pauli)

  1. Veronika Kessler -

    Especially valuable !
    My little grandson is 3 years old and loves this book. It is a captivating story about Zumir the rocking horse. Lovingly built by his grandfather, it is passed down from generation to generation. These are emotional stories from real life. Beautifully illustrated, there is always something new for young children to discover. The sentence structure is simply ingenious. A joy for both beginners and experienced readers. The text is designed in two colors so that beginning readers can concentrate on the words written in red in the sentence and thus have a simplified version of the text at their disposal. This makes learning to read fun!
    I think it's a very special book that not only my grandson but also I enjoy reading aloud.

  2. Charlotte K. -

    My 4-year-old son's eyes light up when he reads his book. There is a project at the nursery where the children are welcome to bring their favorite books from home to read aloud. "Zumir" had to go straight to nursery. The teacher always reads through the books in advance to make sure they are educationally valuable. The next day, she gives me feedback that she thinks the book is particularly great and was very moved by the story at the end of the book, almost moved to tears herself. The story of the rocking horse "Zumir" is simply something very special...

    Conclusion: The book is only read bit by bit in the large group so that all the children really get everything. And she asked me if she could also give the book to the other daycare groups.

    I don't think you can give a children's book a bigger compliment.

    A clear recommendation to buy!

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