Contact us

The first step towards book publication: send us your manuscript. The review is free of charge!

If you prefer to publish in Austria or Switzerland, please upload your manuscript to the Austrian Literary Society or the Swiss Literary Society hoch.



    First name*



    Street and house number*



    Manuscript title*


    Your manuscript:

       Maximum file size 250MB.


    *This website uses reCAPTCHA to secure forms. The use of the reCAPTCHA system is subject to Google's privacy policy and terms of use.

    Representative office

    German Literary Society
    Ludwigkirchstr. 8, 10719 Berlin
    030/76 75 99 22

    As something can always get lost in the post, please only send copies, not originals. If you wish to return your manuscript, please enclose a stamped envelope with your letter. Otherwise we will charge €15 for packaging, postage and labor. Your data, manuscripts and pseudonyms will be treated confidentially. Your copyright will be protected at all times.


    Monday - Thursday
    9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
    9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
    By arrangement


    Information on free manuscript review:

    1. The minimum length should be enough for a book. Just one short story or two poems is clearly not enough. Why don't you put together a short story or poetry collection?
    2. You can send us the entire manuscript or a meaningful sample (stating the total length). An exposé is not absolutely necessary.
    3. Authors under the age of 18 need the consent of their parents - simply discuss this together before you send us your manuscript.
    4. Send your text as a file, not in the comment field.
    5. If you would like to protect your book title, we recommend a Title protection notice
    6. Would you just like to know if you have a talent for writing and should continue writing? Would you like a Expert opinion? Our proofreaders will be happy to prepare it, it takes about 14 days. We charge for our work:
      • Poetry & children's books = 129€
      • Texts up to 300,000 characters = 179€
      • Texts up to 600,000 characters = 249€
      • Texts up to 1 million characters = €299 (exposé/content statement required)

      Please indicate your request for a review when uploading your manuscript. The review for publication with us (without the preparation of an expert opinion) remains free of charge.

    7. Is your file smaller than 8MB? Are you having problems uploading? Just send it to us by e-mail: Don't forget your full address for the confirmation of receipt!