Geografie + Geschichte – kurz und fündig (Traub-Rehm)
The author about himself:
Carriages and horse-drawn carriages were made from cardboard boxes and chestnuts (as wheels). Castles and palaces were made from building blocks. Some objects were drawn on paper. Childlike imagination was the "foundation stone" for his later career as a graphic designer.
To balance out the real work, he created graphic nature studies - and not least the sculptural topography model "GEORAMA".
Purpose and content of this book: The detailed representation and explanation of the objects on the model.
Your author,
Wolfgang Traub-Rehm
Geography + history - short and sweet, Wolfgang Traub-Rehm, hardcover, 127 pages, 24€
Silvia Schneider -
We all know the world explorers. Such an unusual depiction of the voyages and discoveries of Columbus, DA Gama, Magellan, Tasman and Captain Cook will not be found again. It is easy to imagine the author's "GEORAMA" topography and become curious about what it shows.
The drawings of the buildings merge with the surrounding landscape. True to detail and yet fairytale-like, you can imagine what is shown and would like to visit all the sites immediately. Not only the fortress and cathedral in Avignon, the Rhine castles in Rhineland-Palatinate, the Colosseum in Rome and the Montserrat monastery near Barcelona, but also the temples in Cambodia, Korea and Japan, the ancient settlements in Morocco and sacred sites in America.
The brief description of each building, monument or work of art is limited to a few important details, emphasizing the extraordinary, enigmatic and magical, while at the same time providing historical data and historical contexts.
It shows which sites can still be visited today, what has been preserved and what was destroyed and how.
The book will certainly also help students in a completely different way in the classroom to learn about the discovery of the world, without just learning the mere dates and numbers, but to get an idea of the incredible journeys, discoveries and historical monuments of earlier cultures and to develop a curiosity that would certainly not arise in traditional lessons.
Kira Zeegers -
His work illustrates and shows very nicely how he has built his own world with a love of detail and which individual details have been incorporated.
In his book, many important historical events are presented in relation to his own built world, providing an important context and demonstrating the uniqueness of his work.
Through the book you can understand the connection between geography (through its built world) and history in a simple way.
Many thanks to Mr. Traub-Rehm for the opportunity to immerse ourselves in history in this way.