2 reviews for Das Auto, das mir meine Behinderung genommen hat (Seiler)

  1. Volker Moshagen -

    The author talks directly and authentically about his incredibly eventful life. A really entertaining book. Highly recommended.

  2. Detlef Müller, USA -

    I came across this book by chance and bought it from Amazon.
    Interesting and easy to read, and what the man - from a humble background - has done with his life after his severe strokes of fate is absolutely remarkable and exemplary, as well as a testimony to what is still possible with courage, determination, ambition and enterprise, even from a wheelchair.
    Hats off to the man and what he has achieved and experienced with a severe disability.
    A good read, not only for fellow sufferers, but also for others who have already given up with much less of a handicap and are just sitting around at home.

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